Dear Colleagues!
September 28-29, 2019
«Walking into the Future with Reiki: Seeing Beyond What We Can See»
Paul David Mitchell, Head of the Discipline is Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho
Johannes Reindl, Lineage Bearer and Grandmaster of Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho.
Place: Russia, Moscow, hotel “Izmailovo”
Cost: 15000 ₽
Members should care about their staying, breakfast and dinner by themselves
You can book a room for staying on Izmailovo hotel website
Contact person: Natalia Litvinova
Email: litvinova-natali@mail.ru
Walking into the Future with Reiki: Seeing Beyond What We Can See.
If we have come to accept that we as individuals are a living system, then continued development is the nature of our being.
As Bob Dylan wrote: “If we are not busy being born, we are busy dying.” As individuals we are not complete without community, another living system we are either birthing or dying with.
In this workshop we will take steps together to “see beyond what we can see,” to accept who we have become and celebrate what we have brought to the world so that we can step forward into what Reiki is calling us to and see our next steps of preparation.
Paul first met Reiki while teaching religion in a Catholic high school for boys. He was attending a class at the University that Hawayo Takata spoke at. He became her student in 1978 and a master with her at the end of 1979.
At Hawayo Takata’s death, he stepped forward to support Phyllis Furumoto as Takata Sensei’s successor in 1980. Paul is a founding member of The Reiki Alliance and in 1992 formed together with Phyllis The Office of the Grandmaster as Head of the Discipline of Usui Shiki Ryoho.
Together Phyllis and Paul created the Master intensives that were offered in several countries supporting the development of masters. Paul has designed and facilitated workshops and intensives for the Reiki community supporting both personal and spiritual development and healing, including The Way to Harmony, Workshops on the Reiki Principles, and Silent Retreats focusing on the Four Aspects of Usui Shiki Ryoho.
Paul has been practicing Reiki now for forty years and continues in his desire to support the international reiki community in their quest for unity, harmony, and deepening in their response to the inner call of Reiki in our lives to serve personal and global healing one step at a time.
He lives by the words of his master, Hawayo Takata: Let Reiki teach you.
Johannes was introduced to Reiki when he was a little boy by a best friend of his parents.
Than, years later, at the age of 17, he was initiated in first degree and a year later into second degree.
Even though becoming a Reiki-Master was a very clear intention when being initiated in first degree, it took a while till he had the courage to step forward and become a master-candidate of Phyllis Furumoto. From 2013-2017 he was preparing with his master and became initiated in October 2017 in Kyoto, Japan by Phyllis.
On March 15. 2019, Phyllis Lei Furumoto recognized Johannes Reindl as her successor as lineage bearer and Grandmaster of Usui Shiki Ryoho. Giving this enormous gift all the space, energy and honor it requires is ever since his main attention.
In 1998 Johannes met Paul at the „Way to harmony - Ki-Aikido“-workshop in Germany, and continued to go to these workshops almost every year. Over the years Paul had become an important mentor and supporter for Johannes personal growth and spiritual development. Now to work together in the Office of Grandmaster is a great joy and honor.
"I think it would be good to announce that we have moved into the future, and part of our coming together will be to meet and work with our new Lineage Bearer, Johannes Reindl."Paul Mitchell
«Walking into the Future with Reiki: Seeing Beyond What We Can See»
Date: September 28-29, 2019
Place: Russia, Moscow, hotel “Izmailovo”, "Gamma-Delta"
Cost: 15000 ₽
Contact person: Natalia Litvinova
Email: litvinova-natali@mail.ru